As-Suyuti in "Medicine of the Prophet" said, " Zanjabil — Ginger is mentioned in the Quran.  Ginger is hot and dry in the third degree and dry in the second. It contains excess of damp. It is an aid to digestion, strengthens sexual intercourse, and dissolves wind. … A confection of ginger soothes the stomach. It is a help in old age.”

Ibn Qayyim in "Medicine of the Prophet" said, "In sum, it is good for the liver and stomach, when these are cold in temperament.”

Menzies-Trull in "The Herbalist's Prescriber" cites it for external use for rheumatic conditions, arthritic pain and sprains and says it’s safe to use in pregnancy.

David Hoffman in “The New Holistic Herbal” says it can be used for bad circulation, chilblains, cramp, fever, flatulence, dyspepsia, colic, sore throats, fibrositis and muscle sprain.

In Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) ginger is called Xi Xin and is considered spicy and warm. It is used in TCM to prevent pain arising from cold wind that causes body aches, headache, and toothache. It also warms the Lungs and is used for nasal congestion and phlegm.

Ginger biscuits are a personal favourite.