An April 2021 study by SAHMRI Wellbeing and Resilience Centre and Flinders University set themselves the task of answering the question, 'What's the best way to build personal wellbeing?'.

They said,

"During stressful and uncertain periods in our lives, pro-actively working on our mental health is crucial to help mitigate the risk of mental and physical illness,"

"Our research suggests there are numerous psychological approaches people should experiment with to determine what works for them."

"Just trying something once or twice isn't enough to have a measurable impact. Regardless of what method people are trying out, they need to stick at it for weeks and months at a time for it to have a real effect,"

"Implementing such interventions can be done safely for individuals on their own or in a group format, either in person or online,"

"It is therefore potentially a cost-effective addition to current referral pathways and treatment methods."

"We need to take everyone's wellbeing seriously and ensure we're taking the necessary steps to improve mental and physical health so we can prevent future complications for ourselves and keep healthcare costs down,"