A June 2021 study by Texas Woman's University said, 

  • "These findings should remind people to choose fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables to reduce their risk for heart disease," 

  • "Based on our findings, fewer than 1 in 10 U.S. adults meet their daily recommendations for fiber intake. For those with diabetes, it is especially important to eat enough fiber since they are at a greater risk for heart disease."

  • "Unlike other similar studies, our analysis estimated Americans' usual fiber intake using advanced statistical methods instead of calculating a simple average," 

  • "This approach is a better indicator of what a person typically eats because it can account for other factors that may influence fiber intake."

  • "The results of this study can be used to identify relationships between dietary fiber intake and outcomes of interest like risk factors for heart disease," said Miketinas. "In fact, our preliminary analysis suggests that higher dietary fiber intake in adults with diabetes is strongly associated with reductions in markers for heart and kidney disease."