A March 2021 study by the University of Exeter said, 

"We are really excited about these findings, which have important implications for healthy ageing,”

"Previous studies have compared the oral bacteria of young and older people, and healthy people compared to those with diseases, but ours is the first to test nitrate-rich diet in this way.

"Our findings suggest that adding nitrate-rich foods to the diet - in this case via beetroot juice - for just ten days can substantially alter the oral microbiome (mix of bacteria) for the better.”

"Maintaining this healthy oral microbiome in the long term might slow down the negative vascular and cognitive changes associated with ageing."

"Our participants were healthy, active older people with generally good blood pressure,”

"Dietary nitrate reduced their blood pressure on average, and we are keen to find out whether the same would happen in other age groups and among people in poorer health.

"We are working with colleagues in the University of Exeter Medical School to investigate interactions between the oral bacteria and cognition to better understand the how diet could be used to delay cognitive decline in older age."

Some Nitrate Rich Foods

  • Betroot

  • Garlic

  • Meat

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Leafy Greens

  • Citrus Fruit

  • Pomegranate

  • Nuts & Seeds

  • Watermelon